Learn more about the
benefits of advertising on NewYorkInFrench.net
What is
NewYorkInFrench.net offers since 2009 information and resources to
experience New York in French language.
NewYorkInFrench.net also presents France related events.
- 5,000 active users exposed to ads a month
- 55% of the ad impressions are in New York DMA 501
- 11,000 + members
Who should advertise on NewYorkInFrench.net
Any event organizers, educational
organizations, and companies selling French related products and
services and more specifically:
- Travel related companies: TO, airlines companies,
- Companies offering
French and European products: books ...
- Companies willing to increase their brand recognition and business with
highly educated people.
Packages terms and conditions
All advertising include capping (3-5), and IP targeting.
- 200x200 pixels banners: $10 CPM
- 468x60 pixels banners: $15 CPM
- 1415x1860 pixels wallpaper $800 per month
- Dedicated emailing to 11,000 + members (examples
, Les
Cowboys) $550
- Featured partner on the home page: 200x400 pixels (example France
or 200x200 pixels + 300 characters (example Gymglish)
3 months $300
12 months $600
All advertising programs need final
approval by NewYorkInFrench.net.
Capricorn is the exclusive advertising agency. Capricorn focuses on
French expatriates, French speakers in countries where French is not
an official language, people traveling to France. Capricorn is based in New
York City since 1999.
party tracking.
Interested in
advertising on NewYorkInFrench.net
Please call 1 (917) 534 0402, or send an email (contact@netcapricorn.com) or answer this short online form and a consultant will contact you within
24 hours to discuss your advertising needs.